Kawau Team News

  Kawau Team     Year 3                           
Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly              Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun             Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Dates to remember
8/11 Tuck Shop re-opens
1/12 Mufti Day fundraising for Year 6 Graduation
1/12 BOT Voting closes
4/12 Parent Helper Morning Tea @ 10.30am
4/12 BOT Meeting @ 7pm
7/12 Awards Assembly @ 2pm
7/12 BOT votes counted
8/12 New BOT take office
8/12 Family Fun Evening 3-7pm
14/12 Y6 Graduation @ 6pm
15/12 Last day of Term - School finishes @ 12.30pm

Wow, term 3 was fantastic!  We visited local streams and the zoo to learn about the importance of caring for New Zealand endemic species and their environments.  
We investigated, reported and presented our findings about an animal of our choice.  We enjoyed the Year 4-6 production. And we celebrated achievements and farewelled our principal, Wendy Sandifer.
Term 4 has had a smooth start beginning with conservation week, healthy eating and a focus on reading and maths.

Kawau Team’s Learning for Term 4
Inquiry - Healthy living, making good food choices, sustainable living
Literacy – Persuasive writing and other genre when appropriate.
Reading -  The reading programmes are based around the individual learning needs of students in each class.
Maths –  Number knowledge, maths problems, financial literacy and volume.
·     The Arts – Sketching and watercolours  - drawing healthy food Also possibly - sculpture from recycled items
·     Health and Physical Education – Athletics and Tennis.  
·     Te Reo- Introducing ourselves and responding to other’s introductions. Communicating about the weather.
·     Spelling – Smart Words

Read on… for information about   The Great Kiwi Morning Tea
Thank you to those parents who came to our Information Evening - B.Y.O. Device in Year 4 on
Thursday 26th October.  We have since sent home an information booklet.  

Also we had a record number of parents visit the school on our open day.  
The Great Kiwi Morning Tea

Thank you for supporting our Kiwi Morning Tea.  It was a lovely event that raised over $1400.00.  This money will help raise 14 kiwis.

Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).  When wearing a long top underneath PLEASE make sure this is school colours (plain black, blue or white)
  Sharing our inquiries about native animals with our team and on Seesaw.

Photo 1.PNG
photo 2.PNG
Our inquiry learning process was very successful and children learnt a lot about planning, questioning, researching and investigating and presenting their finished work.  Well done Year 3 and many thanks to all those parents who responded on Seesaw.

  Kawau Team      Year 3, Term 2                          
Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly              Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun             Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz  
Children have settled well into another term packed full of fun learning topics and experiences.
Please check Class Blogs for news, photos, homework, oral language reporting days and topics etc.  This term we are involved in creating an item per class for our Year 1-3 production.  Please look out for notices on blogs about what to start collecting.  Please send any old newspapers to school.   

Our big idea this term is Investigating the Elements - Earth, Wind/Air, Fire & Water.
Maths       Addition and Subtraction
               Multiplication and division
Writing    Focus - Narratives and Explanations
Spelling    Smart Words
Inquiry     Science, Health and Literacy.
               Investigating Earth, Wind/Air, Fire
              & Water.  Demonstrate curiosity
             and develop a personal question
             to investigate and answer.  
Performing Arts - Year 1-3 Production
P.E.          Ball Skills (hockey, football, netball
               and basketball)
Fitness    Training for our Cross Country Race
Health     Life Education
EOTC     Life Education and the Science Vans
              are visiting us at school.
Learning Powers  RIC
Resilience    Reflective
Curious    Collaborative
Please help us to promote...
C.A.R.E. Values
Walk away
Ignore them
Tell someone
Say how you feel
Dates that are important to us…

Week 4 - 22nd-26th May
25th Yr 1-4 Cross Country
Week 5th - 29th May - 2 June
Week 6 - 5th-9th  June
5th Queen’s Birthday - School Closed
6th Teacher Only Day - School Closed
7th  Sailor The Pufferfish
Week 7 - 12th- 16th
Week 8 - 19th-23rd
Week 9 - 3rd-7th July
Lights, camera, ACTION! Year 1-3 Production
Life Education Trust - Health
Week 10 -10th-14th July
Life Education Trust - Health           
Brainfood in bite size pieces please!
Please label everything clearly!
Supporting learning at home…
Board Games:
Playing board games is not just great family fun it is also a wonderful way for you child to increase their math skills.
● Fantastic games include:
● Monopoly and Monopoly Junior
● Snakes and Ladders
● Yahtzee
● Dominoes/Triominoes
● Ludo
● Connect 4

Dice Games
Throw 2 dice (you can change the numbers on the dice by putting stickers on each side to make higher numbers)
● Add them together 3 + 6 6 + 3
● Subtract them 6 - 3
● Double them 3 + 3 6 + 6 5 + 5
● How many more to make 10?
● How many more to make 20?
● Add 10 to the number

Card Games:
Discard Joker and picture cards.
Ace = 1
Shuffle cards and then turn them over one at a time.
● Add or subtract 1, 2, 3, etc
● Double the number
● Make 10 (if 7 is turned up they need to say 3)
● Make 20 (if 7 is turned up they need to say 13)
● Say the number before
● Say the number after
● Add 10 to the number
● Turn over 2 cards and add them together or take the small number away from the big number

The following websites can be used at home to develop maths and basic facts knowledge. www.nzmaths.co.nz/families

Years 1-3 present
2017 Production

Tuesday 27th June
@ 6pm
students at school at 5.30pm
Wednesday 28th June
Matinee  1pm  

Thursday 29th June
@ 6pm
students at school at 5.30pm

Day Three -Waiake Beach Walk - Friday 31st March   
10.30am, returning around 2.30pm.
Children will need...

  • morning tea and lunch (no lunch orders)
  • a bottle of water
  • Uniform for safety reasons please send children to school in uniform
  • school hat and sun block
  • polar fleece (optional)
  • Togs and towel
  • Sensible shoes for walking to the beach and exploring rock pools   (NO JANDALS or BAREFEET)

YEAR 3 – EOTC (Education Outside The Classroom)
                                              Rooms 15, 16, 17 and 18                                                                      

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

As part of the EOTC programme the Year 3 students will be participating in a range of activities including the Year 3 sleepover at school.  The children will benefit from learning and developing skills, like working collaboratively, being resilient and most importantly having fun.

DAY ONE - Wednesday 29th March (WEATHER PERMITTING)
  • Bring a bike or scooter and a helmet (a well fitted helmet)
  • Please support your child to bring their bike or scooter to school as Year 3 children are not
           allowed to ride to school without adult supervision.

As not all children get the opportunity of learning to ride a bike.  We are asking that if your child brings a bike or scooter, please can another child without, use your child’s while it is not being used.  If you are opposed to this please sign the statement on the return page.

Thursday 30th March
If the weather is not good on Wednesday we may swap around activities on Wednesday and Thursday. Please check the classroom blogs.

Waiake Beach Walk - Friday 31st March  (WEATHER PERMITTING)
  • We will be walking to Waiake  Beach.
  • The students will be doing a range of outdoor activities.
  • There will be supervised swimming at the beach for students (if we have enough parent help).
  • Mufti clothes  

We will need a  number of parent helpers (unfortunately we can’t take pre-schoolers) who will be able to go with us.  Parents who help on this trip must be able to walk to the beach and back and be available to get into the sea to help supervise children while swimming.  We will leave at approximately 10.30am, returning around 2pm.  Please indicate on the return sheet  if you are able to be a parent helper.

Sleepover Friday 31st March and Saturday 1st April
We would love every child to participate in our sleepover. This is a great experience and helps prepare students for future school camps. On this day the students will come to school as a normal day then go home at 3pm.  They will return to school at 4.30pm with their sleepover gear for a range of activities and the sleepover.

EOTC activities will cost $20 per student which will cover the cost of Friday night dinner and activities during the evening.  We are all looking forward to a very successful EOTC experience.  

Thank you for your support.  
Joanne Northover (Kawau Team Leader), Sarah Kilkolly, Sam Boriboun and Rebecca Buchanan

All students must be collected by 8.00am 1st April and taken home for breakfast

Please return by Tuesday, 21st March, 2017

I give permission for __________________________ Room _____________

to participate in EOTC activities and sleepover. Please fill in the medical form.  

My name is:  ______________________________  Phone    __________________________

My email address ______________________________________________________________

I agree to another child riding ___________________bike or scooter from Room _____
                                                                                                       Please sign ____________________

Please indicate below where you able to help.
Wednesday 29th March: Supervising bike or scooter riding and/or helping with other activities.

Wednesday 29th March:
8.45 - 10.30

Wednesday 29th March:
10.45 - 12.30
Wednesday 29th March:
1.15 - 3.10pm

Waiake Beach Trip
Friday 31st March: 10.30am - 2pm approx            
I am able to walk to and from the beach, get in the water if needed.

Friday 31st March - 1st April -  Sleepover  
From 5pm Friday 31st March until 8.15am Saturday 1st April
(This also includes sleeping overnight)

Friday 31st March:
Prepare food and BBQ  
Organise for Dinner
and help clean up afterwards.
4.30 - 7pm approx
Saturday 1st April

Help clean and tidy areas that we have used.

7.30am - 8.15am

I have enclosed $20               I have used internet banking to pay $20
Must be paid before the EOTC activities and sleepover.


What we will need…

Day One - Wednesday 29th March
  • a bike or scooter and a helmet (if available)
  • adult supervision getting these to school and home again.

Day Three -Waiake Beach Walk - Friday 31st March   
10.30am, returning around 2.30pm.
Children will need...
  • morning tea and lunch (no lunch orders)
  • a bottle of water
  • Uniform
  • school hat and sun block
  • polar fleece (optional)
  • Togs and towel
  • Sensible shoes for walking to the beach and exploring rock pools   (NO JANDALS or BAREFEET)

Requirements for Sleepover
(majority to be packed into a named bag)
Please name everything you send to our sleepover

Out  ✓

1 water bottle

Foam Mat or camping bed (not their home mattress)
or air bed (at your risk). Parents to inflate

1 Sleeping bag or blankets/duvet (to sleep in)

1 Pillow

1 soft toy (optional)

Book to read

Toothbrush & toothpaste
damp facecloth in a sealed plastic bag
(and any other required toiletries)


Warm jersey or sweatshirt

Sensible shoes for sport activities

All students must be collected by 8.00am 1st April and taken home for breakfast

  Kawau Team     Year 3                           

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                       Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                       Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                       Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz
Term 1, 2017
Welcome back to another school year.  We hope you enjoyed the summer break (even though the weather hasn’t been magnificent!), it is great to have some time off from normal routines and of course the beautiful weather comes once we come back to school.  For the next few weeks, we will be establishing class routines.  We have lots of great learning experiences planned and are looking forward to getting to know your child/children.  For the first two weeks, swimming will be on Friday.  Once we have assessed and grouped children we will inform you of swimming days.  Homework will begin in week 3.  Please come to our Meet the Teacher Evening on Friday 10th February.
Each class will have a blog.  Please check these regularly as they are the way we share what is happening inside the classroom. These can be found on our school website.       

Our big idea this term is Heroes.  This will help support the idea of How can I become a Super Learner?  The curriculum areas covered this term are as follows:

Maths       Addition and Subtraction
                Measurement - Volume
Writing      Focus - Recounts & Poetry
Spelling    Smart Words
Inquiry      Social Studies, Health and
                Heroes  Why do we call people
                How can I be a Super Learner?
                Kia Kaha (be strong, get stuck
                in, keep going).  C.A.R.E.
                values, Learning Powers and
                our school Identity.
Visual Art  Pop Art
P.E.          Swimming and Ball Skills   
Science    Flight
We are learning to show C.A.R.E.

              Walk away
              Ignore them
               Tell someone
               Say how you feel

Learning Powers
             Curious           Reflective           Innovative
             Resilience       Collaborative
Don’t forget brainfood and water bottles.
Please label everything clearly!
Dates that are important to us...
February 6th    Waitangi Day - Public Holiday
February 10th  Meet the Teachers picnic 5pm -7pm
                        Session 1  6.00pm  & Session 2   6.30-7pm
March 16th      Kawau Team Lead assembly 2.15pm
                       Come along and watch your child on stage
March 27th      Kawau Team Outdoor Education Week
                       Activities to be confirmed
March 31st      Kawau Team Sleepover in the school hall
April 13th        Last day of Term 1
April 14th        Good Friday


     Reading is essential!

We all read everyday whether it is road signs, emails or a good book.  
We read for work, to find information or to take time out and relax.  Your child is learning to read.  To become a fluent and accurate reader, your child needs to spend time practising reading.  As children become confident readers, they build a wider  vocabulary which is transferred into their writing.  
We understand that life is busy! If you can’t do homework, please try to read with and or to your child.
Let’s talk about …
Learning basic facts is a key Maths skill in Year 3.   Children are at varying abilities with these like everything else they learn.  Basic Facts need to be instant!  As soon as children repeat the question or pause when answering, they are using a strategy to work it out.  With your help we are aiming to improve children’s basic facts.  The quickest way to do this is by practising.  We will be focusing Maths homework this term on this and giving you ideas to help support this at your child’s current level and beyond.    

Brain Food - Children need to eat regularly.  Brain food snacks include small bite size pieces of pre-cut fruit and vegetables, nuts, dried fruit, plain unsalted popcorn.  Brain food needs to be in named small sealed containers or re-sealable plastic bags and in the classroom before the 8.55am bell each morning.  Each teacher will organise this to fit in with their morning programme.

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