
Supporting your child at home   - Please chick on link below

After two years at school                     After three years at school

Kawau whare kura      Term 4, 2017 weeks 4 & 5   
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.
Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.
Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
WALT: use a range of strategies to
solve maths problems in IXL images

Maths Challenge

We are learning to solve word problems.  Write the problem as a sum including the answer.  Can you explain how you worked out the answer to a member of your family?

Room 16 was sending their lunch orders in. Five people ordered wraps at $2, 3 of them also ordered a cookie and jelly at .50 each and 2 others ordered jelly at .50 and a piece of fruit at $1 what did each student spend and how much was spent in total?
Kyla, Cody and Tayla went trick or treating for Halloween, Kyla visited 20 houses and got a sweet from each, Cody and Tayla were even luckier as the houses they visited gave them 2 sweets each. Cody visited 10 houses and Tayla visited 15. Who had the most sweets and how many were there altogether?
Mrs Kilkolly’s class were all getting new calculators. There are 29 students and the calculators cost $15 each. How much money will the school be spending?
Mr Boriboun is sorting out the Rippa rugby tags. There are 2 bags of tags with 30 tages in each. They need to be sorted into 4 team bags. How many tags go into each bag?
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home. At the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks

Te Reo
Morena - morning
Ata marie - Good morning
Ahiahi marie - Good afternoon
Po marie - Good evening

Inquiring​ ​Question
Kei te pēhea koe? -How are you?

Kei te pai ahau -I’m good
Ka nui te ora -I’m great
Me koe?- And you?

Haere rā -Goodbye (to someone leaving)
E noho rā -Goodbye (to someone staying)
Ka kite anō -See you again
Hei konā -See you later
Read a range of books (fiction/non-fiction) and be read to by a family member.
Reading could include:  Library books, school readers, journals, plays, poetry, chapter books, magazines, comics, pamphlets, newspapers, fiction & non fiction, etc.

Oral Language

Talk to your family about their favourite fairytale. Are your family’s favourites the same as your own? Some stories have fallen out of fashion while new stories become popular. Just think 25 years ago no one had heard of Harry Potter!
Stu Duval told us on his recent visit that “ideas are like sparrows, they’re everywhere.”
Create a special character to fit into a twisted fairytale. Use rich words to describe them, what they look and sound like and the clothes they wear.
After you describe them draw a picture of them. After doing this you might want to revisit your description, is there anything you can add?

Dates for your diary:
Kawau Team’s Learning for Term 4
Inquiry - Healthy living, making good food choices, sustainable living
Literacy – Persuasive writing and other genre when appropriate.
Reading -  The reading programmes are based around the individual learning needs of students in each class.
Maths –  Number knowledge, maths problems, financial literacy and volume
·     The Arts Sketching and watercolours  - drawing healthy food Also possibly - sculpture from recycled items
·     Health and Physical Education – Athletics and Tennis
·     Te Reo- Introducing ourselves and responding to other’s introductions. Communicating about the weather.
·     Spelling – Smart Words
Up and Coming events

Tennis started in Week 2 and will continue for 4 weeks.

This week students have the option to create a character from a book that they have read. They will need to bring in a 500ml plastic bottle from home or they can use their drink bottles. If you have any spare bottles we would appreciate them.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).  When wearing a long top underneath PLEASE make sure this is school colours (black) not pink, purple or orange!

Team Leader -Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan    Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Kawau whare kura      Term 4, 2017 weeks 1 & 2   
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.
Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.
Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
WALT: use a range of strategies to
solve maths problems in IXL images

Maths Challenge


We are learning to solve word problems.  Write the problem as a sum including the answer.  Can you explain how you worked out the answer to a member of your family?

Mrs Buchanan saw 3 Kaka, 4 Tui and 4 Fantail in her Kowhai Tree. How many birds did Mrs Buchanan see all together?
Mrs Northover planted 12 tomato plants in her garden. Slugs ate half of them. How many tomato plants did Mrs Northover have left?
Mrs Kilkolly’s class wrote a report each about native animals. They wrote about 3 mammals, 8 birds, 3 reptiles and 5 insects. How many native animals did Room 17 study?
Mr Boriboun brought in 2 pieces of fruit for each of his students. He has 28 students in his class. How many pieces of fruit did Mr Boriboun bring in?
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home. At the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks

Te Reo
Morena - morning
Ata marie - Good morning
Ahiahi marie - Good afternoon
Po marie - Good evening

Inquiring​ ​Question
Kei te pēhea koe? -How are you?

Kei te pai ahau -I’m good
Ka nui te ora -I’m great
Me koe?- And you?

Haere rā -Goodbye (to someone leaving)
E noho rā -Goodbye (to someone staying)
Ka kite anō -See you again
Hei konā -See you later
Read a range of books (fiction/non-fiction) and be read to by a family member.
Reading could include:  Library books, school readers, journals, plays, poetry, chapter books, magazines, comics, pamphlets, newspapers, fiction & non fiction, etc.

Oral Language

Take 5 minutes to talk to each other about, the most fun you have had. Discuss the place, time, who was there and why was it fun? Parents, children really enjoy your personal experience.

This term we are looking at persuasive writing, with persuasive writing we could be trying to encourage someone to try something for the first time or change their point of view. Write a letter to someone you know trying to persuade them to read your favourite book. Remember to include some rich descriptive words to encourage them to pick up that book.

Dates for your diary:
Kawau Team’s Learning for Term 3
Inquiry - Healthy living, making good food choices, sustainable living
Literacy – Persuasive writing and other genre when appropriate.
Reading -  The reading programmes are based around the individual learning needs of students in each class.
Maths –  Number knowledge, maths problems, financial literacy and volume
·     The Arts Sketching and watercolours  - drawing healthy food Also possibly - sculpture from recycled items
·     Health and Physical Education – Athletics and Tennis
·     Te Reo- Introducing ourselves and responding to other’s introductions. Communicating about the weather.
·     Spelling – Smart Words
Up and Coming events
Water safety Pirate Show - Thursday Week 1

Conservation Week - Week 1, various activities in class throughout the week
Kawau have signed up with Squawk Squad who are introducing some amazing conservation initiatives. You can check them out here Squawk squad

Tennis starting Week 2

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).  When wearing a long top underneath PLEASE make sure this is school colours (black) not pink, purple or orange!

Team Leader -Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan    Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Kawau whare kura      Term 3, 2017 weeks 7 & 8    
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.
Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.
Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
WALT: use a range of strategies to
solve maths problems in IXL and or Mathletics.images

Maths Challenge
WALT: use division
Write them in your home learning books, and have them marked by an adult.
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks
Te Reo
Hi -Kia ora
Hello (to one person) -Tēnā koe Hello (to two people) -Tēnā kōrua
Hello (to three or more) -Tēnā koutou

Inquiring​ ​Question
Kei te pēhea koe? -How are you?

Kei te pai ahau -I’m good
Ka nui te ora -I’m great
Me koe?- And you?

Haere rā -Goodbye (to someone leaving)
E noho rā -Goodbye (to someone staying)
Ka kite anō -See you again
Hei konā -See you later
Read a range of books (fiction/non-fiction) and be read to by a family member.
Reading could include:  Library books, school readers, journals, plays, poetry, chapter books, magazines, comics, pamphlets, newspapers, fiction & non fiction, etc.

Oral Language

Take 5 minutes to talk to each other about, the most fun you have had. Discuss the place, time, who was there and why was it fun? Parents, children really enjoy your personal experience.

Maths Challenge (Optional)
We are learning to practice times tables

Dates for your diary

Y4-6​ ​Production​ ​Tickets Are on sale from Monday 4/9/17. A notice will come home tonight with the children.

Week 8 11-17th September
Maori Language week

Senior School Production
Week 8 11-15 Senior School Production 12/9 Evening Performance @ 6.30pm 13/9 Matinee Performance @ 1pm 14/0 Evening Performance @ 6.30pm
Up and Coming events

Week 9 18-22 Sep 21/9 Kawau Team Zoo

Trip 22/9 Farewell Mrs Sandifer, our principal -Assembly @ 1.30pm

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).  When wearing a long top underneath PLEASE make sure this is school colours (black) not pink, purple or orange!

Team Leader -Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan    Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Kawau whare kura                             Term 3, 2017 weeks 5 & 6     
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.
Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.
Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
WALT: use a range of strategies to
solve maths problems in IXL and or Mathletics.images

Maths Challenge

WALT: find many ways to make a number.

e.g. if the number is 15 you can make it by using the following sums: 10+5, 20-5, 5+5+5, 12+3, 5x3, 30÷2 etc.
See if you can think of 10 ways to make each of the following numbers

  1. 6
  2. 17
  3. 20
  4. 9
  5. 50

Write them in your home learning books.
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks
Te Reo
Practice saying your name and asking a friend their name.

Ko wai tō ingoa?
What is your name?

Ko _______ taku ingoa.
My name is ____________.
Read a range of books (fiction/non-fiction) and be read to by a family member.
Reading could include:  Library books, school readers, journals, plays, poetry, chapter books, magazines, comics, pamphlets, newspapers, fiction & non fiction, etc.

Oral Language

Take 5 minutes to talk to each other about, the most fun you have had. Discuss the place, time, who was there and why was it fun? Parents, children really enjoy your personal experience.

We are learning to solve addition facts within 3 seconds for each problem.

Please get an adult to mark them with you.

8 tens plus 2 tens=
8 tens plus 4 tens=
8 tens plus 6 tens =
8 tens plus 5 tens=
8 tens plus 8 tens=
Dates for your diary

Week 6

Friday 1st September
School Disco the theme is Blue.
ALL group celebration- Thursday 31st August 7:45am
Ecosystem trip
Thank you to all those parents who volunteered to supervise the children last week. It was quite an experience to learn about our stream.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).  When wearing a long top underneath PLEASE make sure this is school colours (black) not pink, purple or orange!

Team Leader -Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan    Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Sorry I thought I had put the homework on line last week.

Kawau whare kura                             Term 3, 2017 weeks 3 & 4     
Ko te aha tenei ra?
Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.
Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.
Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !

We are learning to practice solving maths problems on IXL.

We are learning to solve our teen facts.

  1. 10+ 4=
  2. 10+5=
  3. 10+7=
  4. 10+2=
  5. 10+9=
  6. 10+3=
  7. 10+10=
  8. 10+6=
We are learning to skip count backwards and forwards in 2’s and 5’s to 50, and skip count in 10’s to 400.
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks
Te Reo
Practice saying your name and asking a friend their name.

Ko wai tō ingoa?
What is your name?

Ko _______ taku ingoa.
My name is ____________.
Read a range of books (fiction/non-fiction) and be read to by a family member.
Reading could include:  Library books, school readers, journals, plays, poetry, chapter books, magazines, comics, pamphlets, newspapers, fiction & non fiction, etc.

Oral Language

Take 5 minutes to talk to each other about, the most fun you have had. Discuss the place, time, who was there and why was it fun? Parents, children really enjoy your personal experience.

We are learning to draw the times on a clock.

Dates for your diary
Week 3

Whole school Assembly Wednesday 9th August at 2:10pm

Rippa tag for those in the Rippa teams
  • Tuesday 15th August

Week 4
Ecosystem short trips
Walk to Gerontius Glade Torbay
Thursday 17th August
Room 15 and 16 9:00am- 11:00am approx
Room 17 and 18 10:30am-12:30pm approx

Week 5
Friday 25th August
Bus to Awaruku Reserve, Awaruku Road Long Bay.
Room 15 and 16 9:00am- 11:00am approx
Room 17 and 18 10:30am-12:30pm approx
Ecosystem trip
Please,fill in the permission slip if you are able to assist in being a parent helper.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
It was great to see so many families turn up to share their child’s learning during the Multiple Learning Conversations.  The children really enjoyed celebrating their learning with you. If you have not had the opportunity to attend please make a time with your child’s class teacher, they will be more than happy to set up a time with you.
Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).  When wearing a long top underneath PLEASE make sure this is school colours (black) not pink, purple or orange!

Team Leader -Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan    Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Kawau whare kura                             Term 3, 2017 weeks 1 & 2      

Ko te aha tenei ra?

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.

Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.
Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
The children are really enjoying their basic facts learning. The children are striving to beat their ‘last personal best’. Please help them by encouraging them to practise as much as possible.

Use IXL and Mathletics to explore Number further at home.  It’s FUN !!
Great website for basic facts - click here. Check out class blogs for more games.

Work on your multiplication for 2 x, 5 x and 10 x

We are learning to standardised measurements. Use a ruler to accurately rule a line that is 5 cm, 8 cm, 12 cm.


Rule a line that is 8.5 cm, 4.6cm, 6.6cm.
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks
Te Reo
Practice asking and saying the days of the week.

Ko te aha tenei ra?
Ko te ________ tenei ra.
Read a range of books (fiction/non-fiction) and be read to by a family member.
Reading could include:  Library books, school readers, journals, plays, poetry, chapter books, magazines, comics, pamphlets, newspapers, fiction & non fiction, etc

Create a treasure map. Include coordinates and pictures. Here is an example.
Dates for your diary
Week 2-Multiple
Learning Conversations Wednesday 2/8, Thursday 3/8 School will be closed at 2pm Wednesday 2/8.
Parent Booking Code - sb6tj

Kawau Team’s Learning for Term 3
Inquiry - Native animals
Literacy – Narrative and Report writing and other genre when appropriate.
Reading -  The reading programmes are based around the individual learning needs of students in each class.
Maths –  Number knowledge, maths problems and Measurement geometry/mapping
·      The Arts –Calendar art, mixed media based on native NZ animals
·      Health and Physical Education – Evasion Games, Fitness - skipping and movement to stay fit
·      Te Reo- Whanau members and class commands
·      Spelling – Smart Words

Things to look forward to:Egg challenge

As part of our Inquiry unit, the children will be required to care for a raw egg. Their first task is to make an enclosure for their egg no bigger than an A5 sheet of paper, which is half the size of A4. Taking care that the enclosure is not too deep. Materials can be made from recycled products, and decorated. The enclosure is to be constructed at home. They then must take their egg home with them everyday and over the weekends.

Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).   

Team Leader -Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan    Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Kawau whare kura

Term 2, 2017 weeks 8 & 9      Ending 3rd Hūrae 2017

Ko te aha tenei ra?

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.

Production information
Room 15 - please bring your production clothes to school this Tuesday 20 June - in a named plastic bag.

Things you will need for the production
We would prefer silver but can dress up a grey clothing with silver items
You will need...
A silver/grey plain top (or be able to turn inside out to hide picture/words)
A silver or grey pair of pants
silver/grey skirt and top or dress    (and leggings)

If your child is unable to be face painted for any reason for shows please contact me asap.

The following children do not need grey or silver costumes as they are involved in different items.

Owen - (Duncan) speaking part
Ella-Mae (Narrator) speaking part
Koji Silver crayon
(Other children with speaking parts are going to participate in our class item as well so need grey/silver costume).
Kapa haka - Koby, Todd, Keerat, Te Awhi   - will have school kapa haka clothes

Information about ticket sales will be in the school newsletter and notices will be sent home.  Tickets will be limited.  
We are asking all audience members to wear black and or white clothing. This will support audience participation and help make a BIG impact based on colour.

Share the reading, take turns with your parents.

Discuss the book with your parents before you read it. Remember to sequence your information!

Please record reading a
t the back of your homework book.

Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
Keep practicing your basic facts.  Work on your multiplication for 2 x, 5 x and 10 x

We are learning our family of facts:
5x 2 =
2 x 5=
10 divided by 2=
10 divided by 5=

Can you think of some more to share with the teacher?

Great website for basic facts - click here. Check out class blogs for more games

Fun Problems::
Mrs Kilkolly likes counting toes.
How many people does she need before she can count 50 different toes?

In Mr Boriboun’s rippa rugby team there are 3 players that need gloves to play in (it’s getting cold). It takes two metres of fabric to make gloves for one person. How much fabric will Mr B need to make gloves for three players?

If 1 metre of fabric costs $2, how much money will the three sets of gloves cost to make?

Can you think of a question that includes pizza and sharing? I  look forward to you sharing these!

Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks
Matariki is one of the most important Maori celebrations - it’s the Maori New Year.

  • When do the Matariki stars reappear?

  • Write one way Maori people celebrate Matariki …

Te Reo
Our song for the week
Maori alphabet song.

Have a go at home!
Over the last few weeks we have been discussing fire safety. I hope you have been working through your FireWise booklet with Mum and Dad.

In your homework book, draw your house and show your escape route to your safe meeting place.


Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).   

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Hi Everyone,

Year 1-3 Production

At the beginning of May I posted a list of things that we needed for our item for the Year 1-3 production.  Special thanks for the boxes and silver items that have been sent to school.

It is now time to send in clothing for costumes.

Things you will need for the production 
We would prefer silver but can dress up a grey clothing with silver items
You will need...
A silver/grey plain top (or be able to turn inside out to hide picture/words)
A silver or grey pair of pants 
silver/grey skirt and top or dress    (and leggings)

If your child is unable to be face painted for any reason for shows please contact me asap.

The following children do not need grey or silver costumes as they are involved in different items.

Owen - (Duncan) speaking part
Ella-Mae (Narrator) speaking part
Koji Silver crayon
(Other children with speaking parts are going to participate in our class item as well so need grey/silver costume).
Kapa haka - Koby, Todd, Keerat, Te Awhi - will have school kapa haka clothes

Information about ticket sales will be in the school newsletter and notices will be sent home.  Tickets will be limited.  
We are asking all audience members to wear black and or white clothing. This will support audience participation and help make a BIG impact based on colour.  

Please send costumes to school asap as we need them by Monday 19th June.  
Please ensure that costume clothing is well named and on a coat hanger or in a clearly named bags.

If you are able to help dress and organise children and help with face painting on the days/evenings of the shows, contact me via email.

School day  - Monday 26th  June from 11.45
School day - Wednesday 28th June  from 11.45

Evening - Tuesday 27th June from 5.20pm
Evening Thursday 29th June  from 5.20pm

We ask that children are handed to the teacher at 5.30pm for the evening performances to allow time to settle and prepare for the shows.

After the evening performances, children will return to their dressing room. Parents can collect children from this room (Room 15 TBC).  For safety reasons teachers will release children in small groups.  

If there is any reason that your child can not attend a performance please contact me asap so changes can be made.

Thank you for your support.  We are looking forward to presenting a fantastic performance for our audience.  

Joanne Northover


Kawau whare kura

Term 2, 2017 weeks 6 & 7      Ending 19th Pipiri 2017

Ko te aha tenei ra?

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  

A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.

Share the reading, take turns with your parents.
Make connections between what you are reading and your own experiences. For example, "that’s a funny story about a grandad – what does your grandad do that makes you laugh?",

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.

Keep filling in your homework book (with your reading book) so you can work towards your Hell Pizza !
Mathletics finishes this week (8th June). Well done everyone! Remember IXL!
Keep practicing your basic facts. Work on subtraction and addition. Great website for basic facts - click here. Great progress everyone!
Check out class blogs for more games

Lollies ..
On Monday, Sam and Sylvia share some lollies.
Sam has 2 lollies. Sylvia has 4 lollies.
Together, how many lollies do they have to share?
If Sam has 2 lollies, and Sylvia has 4 lollies on Tuesday and Wednesday too, how many lollies do they each have?
What is the total number of lollies that Sam and Sylvia share in three days?

More lollies ….
On Monday, Sam, Sonny and Sylvia share some lollies they'd been given.
Sonny got half as many lollies as Sam, and Sylvia got a third as many lollies as Sam got.
They got the same number of lollies each day up to (and including) Friday.
If Sam got 18 lollies on Wednesday, how many lollies did Sonny get on Thursday?
How many lollies did Sylvia get that week?
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks

Matariki is celebrated on the 25th June.
Write an explanation about Matariki. What does it mean?
Production information
A letter will be sent home this week explaining what everyone will need.

Programme design competition. A4 folded in half.

A5 (1/4 of A4) for ticket.
Based on our production ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.” Draw a design - remember to include the name.
Te Reo
Our song for the week - the weather
Have a go at home!
Class Blog:

Oral Language - Speaking clearly and confidently is an important life skill and through our oral presentations support the process of speaking, listening while making and creating meaning.

Remember to send wai water bottles, appropriate kai for brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).   

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Term 2, 2017 weeks 4 & 5            Ending 6th June 2017

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  

A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.

Read your reader or a book to an adult.

I wonder???
Discuss your book with Mum and Dad this week- do you wonder about things? Can you make an connection with a personal experience? Maybe you have a question for Mum and Dad about a book … “I wonder if Ants work together?”

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.

Inquiry Reading
Visit the library and find a book to share with the class this week!
Great results in Mathletics this week Room 15!

Keep practicing your basic facts. Work on subtraction and addition. Great website for subtraction - click here. Great progress everyone!

Check out class blogs for more games

Work on fractions and equal sharing with lollies!

Mathletics will be available till 8th June 2017    

Have a go:
Pizza Hut has three tables of the same size. McDonald's has four of the same tables and can seat 24 people altogether.
How many people can Pizza Hut seat?
One third of the seats at McDonald's are empty and a half of the places at Pizza Hut are empty.
If 18 more people want to eat out, is there room for them at the two restaurants?
Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks

Cross Country
We look forward to seeing you all at the Cross Country day this week (25th May @ 1:30)

Come along a cheer for us!

Please bring a change of clothes to run in as the grass areas are wet.  Please wear appropriate shoes.  
Production information

Information about our Year 1-3 production is available on the class blog.

Also a new blog is set up under Our Classes on our school website or   
Click on the picture below and it will take you there.  

Please check the
IMPORTANT NOTICE below for important information!
Help at Home

Can you help by folding the washing? Making your bed OR collecting the mail from the letterbox?

Room 15 has had a student teacher visiting last week and she will be back in September.
Oral Language - our rotation is on our class blog under homework.  Speaking clearly and confidently is an important life skill and through our oral presentations support the process of speaking, listening while making and creating meaning.
Remember to send water bottles, appropriate brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school.
If children do not have book bags then they will probably not bring spelling words, library books or readers home.  Book bags are essential to caring for our books.  

Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands,or sleepers in ears (studs only please).  Please wear your uniform with pride, ensuring it is clean and tidy.  Reminder please wear black, white or navy thermals or singlets under uniforms.
Children will be asked to remove gloves and scarfs once school begins.     

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz


9th May 2017

This term the Year 1-3 children will be presenting a production.  
Planning is complete, the big idea and script are ready, auditions for speaking parts have begun!
It is always a big job to get all children ready to present a show that they can be proud of. 
You can help by preparing the following items...

IF you have any of the following items please start sending them to school
Silver Christmas tinsel
Silver ribbons
Clean and unused tinfoil plates
Clean and unused tinfoil
Small boxes for masks.  (About the size of wine boxes hold about 6 bottles)

Anything that can be adapted and used as part of robot costumes

Things you will need for the production in early June
We would prefer silver but can dress up a grey clothing with silver items
You will need...
A silver/grey plain top (or be able to turn inside out to hide picture/words)
A silver or grey pair of pants

Term 2, 2017 weeks 2 & 3            Ending 19th May 2017

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  

A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.

Read your reader or a book to an adult.
Talk about what you have read. What do you think will happen next? Why is the character feeling like this? What is the author’s intent when they wrote this book?

Non-fiction books - recall five facts that you have read.

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.

Inquiry Reading
Our inquiry this term is Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. What books, posters and other information can you share with the class? Remember to name it.
Practise your basic facts. Work on subtraction and addition. Great website for basic facts - click here

Check out class blogs for more games

Work on fractions and equal sharing with lollies!

Check out class blogs for information about mathletics. Passwords and Usernames will be handed out this week.  Mathletics will be available till 8th June 2017    

Remember IXL too!

Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.

Optional extra tasks

Cross Country
This term we are working on Cross Country. We will be doing this every morning. Students need to wear shoes that are appropriate for this exercise (running shoes or similar). As the fields are starting to get quite wet, please enclose an extra uniform for those muddy situations!

Students - How could you improve your cross country time this year?
Road Safety
Week 2
This week we will be designing and making road safety badges.
At home discuss the importance of wearing a seatbelt. Create a poster to share with the class about road safety. Remember to include colour and important information. Maybe your poster could be about the importance of wearing a seatbelt OR where we should cross the road.
Help at Home

How could you help at home?

Use please and thank you.

Show resilience - what did you do? What was tricky?

Cross Country - spare clothes and running shoes
Oral Language - our rotation was sent home last week. This happens everyday, students need to be prepared to share. Speaking clearly and confidently is an important life skill and through our oral presentations support the process of speaking, listening while making and creating meaning.
Remember to send water bottles, appropriate brainfood, bookbag and spelling notebook to school EVERYDAY
Please check the school website if you are unsure about our school uniform.  Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).   

Have a wonderful couple of weeks AND remember to make comments on the class blog!

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Term 2 … Oral Language - Reporting
Speaking clearly and confidently is an important life skill and through our oral presentations supports the process of speaking, listening while making and creating meaning.
‘Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.’ Winston Churchill.
Abby N
Abby G

Whole class discussion

Weeks  1
1st -5th May
Week 2
8th - 12th May
Week 3
15th - 19th May
Week 4
22nd - 25th May
Week 5
29th May - 2nd June
Holiday Adventures

Share a moment from the holidays OR weekend.
Weather Report  

Remember to collect a weather report sheet from the teacher
Talk Topic week

(Done in class-nothing to prepare)
Current Events

Find and bring an interesting article from the newspaper or  internet that interests you - this could be national or international news
In the Box’

In a small box OR shoebox collect items that relate to the topic below….
My Special Place - prepare a box with objects/ props to describe your special place
We are learning to explain the main points and add interest and detail.
We are learning to speak confidently in front of the class and using interesting vocabulary
We are learning to develop ideas on a topic and speak in sentences
We are learning to share information and explain why I think this is interesting.
We are learning explain why I think this is interesting information.
Week 6
5th - 9th June
Week 7
12th - 16th June
Week 8
19th-23rd June
Week 9
26th-30th June
Week 10
3rd-7th July
Book Talk

Talk about a favourite book that you have enjoyed reading. Share information about characters, why you enjoyed reading it and why you would recommend this book to others.
Current Events

Find and bring an interesting article from the newspaper, internet that interest you - this could be national or international news
Weather Report

Remember to collect a weather report sheet from the teacher
Talk Topic week

(Done in class - nothing in prepare)
In the Box’
In a small box OR shoebox collect items that relate to the topic below…..
A Topic Box - prepare a box that shows your new learning from our inquiry this term - Earth, Water, Wind OR Fire
We are learning to explain the main points and add interest and detail.
We are learning to share information and explain why I think this is interesting.
We are learning to speak confidently in front of the class and using interesting vocabulary
We are learning to develop ideas on a topic and speak in sentences
We are learning explain why I think this is interesting information.

Term 1, 2017

Week 10 & 11 Home Learning                  Beginning 3rd April to 13th April

Thank you everyone for supporting our school assembly and E.O.T.C. activities including the sleepover.  The children have had a wonderful time learning a variety of skills in different ways.  Our learning powers were key to these including collaborative, curious and reflective.  
Special thanks to all the parents who were able to help out with activities including scootering, making raincoats, preparing and or cooking food.  To those lucky parents who stayed the night in the hall - THANK YOU!
We can not offer these experiences without your help.  These were great stepping stones to future Education Outside the Classroom experiences.  
Please note that Term 1 finishes on Thursday 13th April.  
On this day we will celebrate with a gold coin mufti day to help raise money for a new school sandpit and young leaders.   

Click on this picture to go direct to a subtraction website

Don’t forget to keep practising your basic fact bricks.

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word
Repeat with the next word.

Use your spelling list words in sentences.  

Read to an adult each day.   
Write 3 questions that begin with what, where, who, when, why or how.

Ask your adult the questions to see if they know the answers.
Extra for Experts…

Sam likes counting toes. How many people does he need before he can count 50 different toes?

Ana is going to see her Grandma in 6 days from now.
What is today's date?
What date will she see her Grandma?
Extra for Experts…

If a bunny was skipping along with 64 delicious eggs and tripped over dropping 16.  How many would be left in his baskets?
Can you write a maths word problem to share at school?
Email your problem to the teacher.

Without being reminded, unpack your lunchbox  from your school bag everyday until the end of term.  

Term 1, 2017 weeks 7 & 8                ending 26th March

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.


EOTC and sleepover notices have been sent home.  Please return them to school as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, please contact the classroom teacher.  

On Thursday, 16th March our team is leading the school assembly.  You are welcome to come along and watch the Year 3 children present an item on stage from 2.15pm.

Thank you for booking into Goal Setting Learning Conversations.  We look forward to supporting your child to set learning goals.  14th,15th and 16th March


Please encourage your child to spend time on IXL Maths programme at home.

Keep practising the basic fact bricks to improve your speed and accuracy,  
Here is a good site to practise basic facts.


If you have a scrabble set at home, why not practise your spelling words with it!


How high is the pile of books that you can read in a week/2 weeks?

Extra for experts (parents please mark these at home)

Term 1, 2017 weeks 5 & 6                ending 12th March
Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  
A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.

Read your reader or a book to an adult.

Talk about what you have read and make up a different ending.  

Non-fiction books - recall five facts that you have read.

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.

Practise the basic facts brick that you have been given.

These are loaded onto the class blog and can be printed at home.  Please note each brick has a time in which it is to be completed.

Please note...
Children need to pass the brick within the time at school before moving on to the next brick.      

Spelling lists are in notebooks.  
Please practise these words at home at the end of the week children should be aiming to get ten words correct.  

Read the word
Sound out the word
Spell the word out loud
Cover the word
Write the word
Check the word

Repeat with the next word.
Optional extra tasks


Last year children had the opportunity to use Sum Dog, this year it is IXL.

Passwords will be glued into homework books if at school.

Please encourage your child to use this site at home as it will help him/her to increase their knowledge, speed and accuracy in Maths.
For a limited time you can go online to this great site.
27th of February through to the 24th of March
Most devices can log in on

 iPads with an iOS 6.0+ can access via Safari or the Reading Eggs app

Passwords will be glued into homework books if at school.

This is open for a limited time so please support your child by helping them log into the website.  It is full of reading activities.
How many of these activities do you do after school?
  • Run
  • Go to a park
  • Ride a bike or scooter
  • Rollerblade
  • Skateboard
  • Swim
  • Dance
  • Play a sport
  • Play with a ball
  • Table tennis
  • skip/jump rope
  • Athletics
  • Gymnastics
  • Go for a walk
  • Walk to and from school
  • Play a running game
  • Shoot hoops

Swimming - Please bring your swimming gear on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  You will swim two days out of the three rain or shine.

Remember to send hats, water bottles and appropriate brainfood (if children are sent with food that does not fit the criteria, they will be asked to put it away in their bags until break time).  Brainfood is unsalted plain popcorn, fresh or dried fruit and vegetables that are cut into small pieces that can be popped straight into mouths without any mess while children are working.

Please check the school website if you are unsure about uniform.     

Do not allow children to wear jewellery or bands including sleepers in ears (studs only).
Please ensure your child wears sensible shoes, not jandals/thongs.  These are all unsafe when playing and doing sport and P.E.

Please check your child’s book bag and school bag for notices.  If you have not yet paid for a Smart Words book you have been sent a reminder. We would appreciate these being settled asap.   

Thank you to those parents who have sent an email to teachers as per the last homework sheet.  
If you have not done this, please send an email so we have your contact email address.
Thank you

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz

Dear Parent,
I am pleased to tell you that we will be using a website called IXL in our classroom this year. IXL is a comprehensive learning program offering unlimited maths practice problems in thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the national curriculum. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to see your child's progress!
To get your child started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:
2.   Enter your child's username and password in the upper right corner and click the button to sign in.
      To be glued into homework books.
3.   Click on the name of the subject you’d like to work on at the top of the page and navigate to your child's year level.
4.   Select a specific skill to practice from the list of skills. You can place your mouse over any skill to see a sample question and click on the link to begin.
In addition to making practice exciting, IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The program is adaptive and will adjust based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child's results will be saved, so you can monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on the Analytics tab at the top of the page. For on-the-go practice, you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android, or Kindle and sign in with your child’s username and password.
I hope you'll encourage your son or daughter to use IXL regularly. Here's to a year of working together to make learning fun for your child!
Mrs Northover

20th February 2017

Parents and Caregivers,

We have tested your child on their Maths basic facts and he/she will be beginning on Brick ______.  The basic facts bricks are available on the classroom blog, please support your child to practise these for homework.  It is essential that children know these, having instant recall which is why each brick has a time allowance.   We will be monitoring students progress throughout the year.

“Basic facts knowledge is the fast and fluent recall of key addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts as well as key proportional relationships. This knowledge is critical as it enables learners to use partitioning strategies.” NZ Maths.

Thank you for your support,

Joanne, Sarah, Rebecca and Sam

Kawau Team

Your child has the brick he or she is on stuck in their homework book

Home learning is not compulsory but encouraged.  A minimum expectation of all learners is reading, spelling and basic facts practice.


Read your reader to an adult.

Talk about what you have read and retell the story in your own words, try not to look at the book.

Please record reading at the back of your homework book.

Practise basic facts up to ten or twenty.

Testing for levels will be completed this week and you will be notified of your level next week.  

Choose spelling words from the essential word list in your homework book.  

Smart Words lists will be coming home later this week or next week.

Happy Valentines Day!
Please send an email to the classroom teacher saying why your child is super member of your family.  What is special about your child and let us know if there are any concerns.  This also helps us gather up to date email addresses.  Thanks

Team Leader - Joanne Northover      Room 15    jnorthover@torbay.school.nz
                      Rebecca Buchanan     Room 16    rbuchanan@torbay.school.nz
                      Sarah Kilkolly             Room 17    skilkolly@torbay.school.nz
                      Sam Boriboun            Room 18    sboriboun@torbay.school.nz
Optional extra tasks
Physical activities and or sports training.


Do two jobs at home to help someone.

Swimming - Please bring your swimming gear on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  You will swim two days out of the three.

Homework will begin in week 3.  It will be posted on the class blog.  Children have homework books to record their reading and to complete homework tasks.  There is no need to print homework sheets to glue into books. 

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