Class Notices

25 JULY 2017

Things to look forward to: Egg challenge

As part of our Inquiry unit, the children will be required to care for a raw egg. Their first task is to make an enclosure for their egg no bigger than an A5 sheet of paper, which is half the size of A4. Taking care that the enclosure is not too deep. Materials can be made from recycled products, and decorated. The enclosure is to be constructed at home. They then must take their egg home with them everyday and over the weekends.


Message transferred on 18.6.17 from homework and Home page

Hi Everyone,

Year 1-3 Production

At the beginning of May I posted a list of things that we needed for our item for the Year 1-3 production.  Special thanks for the boxes and silver items that have been sent to school.

It is now time to send in clothing for costumes.

Things you will need for the production 

We would prefer silver but can dress up a grey clothing with silver items
You will need...
A silver/grey plain top (or be able to turn inside out to hide picture/words)
A silver or grey pair of pants 
silver/grey skirt and top or dress    (and leggings)

If your child is unable to be face painted for any reason for shows please contact me asap.

The following children do not need grey or silver costumes as they are involved in different items.

Owen - (Duncan) speaking part
Ella-Mae (Narrator) speaking part
Koji Silver crayon
(Other children with speaking parts are going to participate in our class item as well so need grey/silver costume).
Kapa haka - Koby, Todd, Keerat, Te Awhi - will have school kapa haka clothes

Information about ticket sales will be in the school newsletter and notices will be sent home.  Tickets will be limited.  
We are asking all audience members to wear black and or white clothing. This will support audience participation and help make a BIG impact based on colour.  

Please send costumes to school asap as we need them by Monday 19th June.  
Please ensure that costume clothing is well named and on a coat hanger or in a clearly named bags.

If you are able to help dress and organise children and help with face painting on the days/evenings of the shows, contact me via email.

School day  - Monday 26th  June from 11.45
School day - Wednesday 28th June  from 11.45

Evening - Tuesday 27th June from 5.20pm
Evening Thursday 29th June  from 5.20pm

We ask that children are handed to the teacher at 5.30pm for the evening performances to allow time to settle and prepare for the shows.

After the evening performances, children will return to their dressing room. Parents can collect children from this room (Room 15 TBC).  For safety reasons teachers will release children in small groups.  

If there is any reason that your child can not attend a performance please contact me asap so changes can be made.

Thank you for your support.  We are looking forward to presenting a fantastic performance for our audience.  

Joanne Northover

9th May 2017

This term the Year 1-3 children will be presenting a production show.  
Planning is complete, the big idea and script are ready, auditions for speaking parts have begun!
It is always a big job to get all children ready to present a show that they can be proud of. 
You can help by preparing the following items...

IF you have any of the following items please start sending them to school
Silver Christmas tinsel
Silver ribbons
Clean and unused tinfoil plates
Clean and unused tinfoil
Small boxes for masks.  (About the size of wine boxes hold about 6 bottles)

Anything that can be adapted and used as part of robot costumes

Things you will need for the production in early June
We would prefer silver but can dress up a grey clothing with silver items
You will need...
A silver/grey plain top (or be able to turn inside out to hide picture/words)
A silver or grey pair of pants

27th February

Hi Everyone,

A notice will come home about Reading Eggs tomorrow.  This is a temporary site for 1 month.  

If you have any newspaper that we can have in that classroom, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks :)

Dear Parents,
I am pleased to tell you that we will be using a website called IXL in our classroom this year. IXL is a comprehensive learning program offering unlimited maths practice problems in thousands of skills—all of which are aligned to the national curriculum. One of the best things about IXL is that your child can access it from home, so you have a chance to see your child's progress!
To get your child started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:
2.   Enter your child's username and password in the upper right corner and click the button to sign in.
      To be glued into homework books.
3.   Click on the name of the subject you’d like to work on at the top of the page and navigate to your child's year level.
4.   Select a specific skill to practice from the list of skills. You can place your mouse over any skill to see a sample question and click on the link to begin.
In addition to making practice exciting, IXL is designed to help your child learn at his or her own pace. The program is adaptive and will adjust based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child's results will be saved, so you can monitor his or her progress anytime by clicking on the Analytics tab at the top of the page. For on-the-go practice, you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android, or Kindle and sign in with your child’s username and password.
I hope you'll encourage your son or daughter to use IXL regularly. Here's to a year of working together to make learning fun for your child!

Mrs Northover

Thank you to the parents who have emailed me with their up to date email addresses as per the homework sheet for the last 2 weeks.  I have received six.  Please email so I can set up an email tree.

The blog is the best place to get information alongside the school newsletter.

Homework is uploaded to the blog every fortnight.  Homework will be focused on basic facts, reading and spelling.  There will be other tasks which are optional.

Have a great week.

Joanne :)


Please remember that we mostly swim rain or shine.  Swimming is a learning area just like Maths and Literacy, children are expected to swim as part of learning.  If your child is unable to swim due to health problems please send a note.  

Week 3+ Please bring swimming gear on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Your child will be assessed and grouped.  He or she will have two swimming lessons a week.  
Image result for boy swimming clipart

Library - Friday - later in the term

Brain Food - Children enjoy and need to eat regular snacks. Reminder, brain food snacks include small bite size pieces of pre-cut fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, plain unsalted popcorn.  It should be able to popped into mouths straight away so children can continue working.  Brain food needs to be in named small sealed containers or re-sealable plastic bags in the classroom before the 8.55am bell each morning.  

Water - Water is very important.  Please ensure your child has a named water bottle.  
Uniform and personal belongings - Please check and rename everything clearly.

Arrival: Remember that school begins at 8.55am.  Please ensure your child is there at least 10  minutes before this so they can prepare for the day and chat with their friends.  

Homework on class blogs – Fortnightly - beginning in week 3.

Class Blog - Please check our class blogs for notices, information and what is happening in classrooms. We have loads of lovely photos.  

Learning in Kawau Team for Term 1
This term we will be settling into routines, getting to know everyone, investigating heroes and learning about super powers so we can become SUPER LEARNERS!!! See the Kawau Team newsletter for more information.

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